
Recruiterbox is now Hire, part of the new Trakstar Trifecta alongside Learn and Perform

Learn more about how the Trakstar platform is revolutionizing talent management through integrated, flexible solutions.


Job Description Builder Worksheet

Create effective job summaries

This worksheet will help you consider what you need your future hire to accomplish so you can properly determine the right skills and background for the job. The answers you come up with can be used to form a comprehensive job description that entices the right people to apply. You'll learn how to:
  • Create the right role objectives and responsibilities
    Start with the problem your company is facing, then determine what your new hire needs to do to solve it.
  • Determine the necessary background for the job
    Figure out the skills, education and experience needed to accomplish the role objectives.
  • Ensure your job descriptions are detailed and comprehensive
    Include the right information so job seekers learn everything they need to about your company and the role.

Download your FREE copy now

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